Stories Tagged: hedge fund


1989年春天,一列满载学生的火车抵达北京。车厢里挤满了人,乘客们挤在行李舱和座位下。一旦到达中国首都,他们涌入城市的街道,参加由一位受欢迎的改革派领导人之死引发的争取民主的抗议活动。其中一名乘... (1 revisions)

How has Li Lu's incredible life story shaped his approach to investing and his eulogy for Charlie Munger?

In the chronicles of global finance, the tale of Charlie Munger's retirement from Berkshire... (7 revisions)

Bill Ackman's Pershing Square Aims to Raise $25B for US Fund

In a recent development, billionaire investor Bill Ackman's Pershing Square is targeting to... (7 revisions)

JPMorgan Veterans Launch Hedge Fund Targeting Japan's Interest Rate Market

Two veterans from JPMorgan Chase & Co. have partnered with Brahman Capital Management Pte to... (10 revisions)

Boris Johnson's Secret Venezuela Trip Allegedly Funded by Hedge Fund

Venezuela has demanded the withdrawal of the British warship, HMS Trent, from the disputed... (21 revisions)